Cefalù walking tour


For a small town, Cefalù offers a great deal, including sandy beaches, winding Mediaeval streets flanked with all manner of shops, excellent restaurants serving the freshest of fish and last but probably first, its unique Norman cathedral. While Cefalù’s origins go back to at least Greek times (the name derives from the ancient Greek word for “Cape”), the town we now know and love was built at the behest of the Norman King, Roger II. Construction of the Cathedral began in 1131 and is an exquisite example of what has been termed “Sicilian Romanesque”. Thanks to the splendid mosaic of Christ Pantocrator above the altar. Also of interest is the Mediaeval wash house – “lavatoio” – which is fed by a natural spring and the Osterio Magno which, according to tradition was King Roger’s very own residence. It now houses art exhibitions.

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